Top 7 Free eBook Publishing Sites for Independent Authors

Top 7 Free eBook Publishing Sites for Indie Authors

This guide is ideal for new writers looking to get published or indie authors planning to self-publish. If you wish to release your eBook on platforms like Amazon, Apple Books Store, or Google Play Books, these sites provide simple formatting and uploading with no upfront fees.
This blog post will highlight the top seven free eBook publishing sites. These platforms allow authors to make their books available to the public for purchase or as free downloads, helping numerous independent authors to fulfill their dreams.

Why Choose Free eBook Publishing Sites?

Free eBook publishing sites enable authors by giving them affordable ways to obtain some of the necessary services to publish their books while at the same time offering authors opportunities and rights over their books.

Benefits of Using Free eBook Publishing Sites

Wide Distribution Opportunities

Leveraging platforms like Amazon, Apple Books, and Google Play, you can publish your eBook to target customers worldwide.

Cost-Effective Publishing

You can write and publish an eBook for free and only pay a minimal commission to service providers when selling through free publishing platforms. This approach offers significantly lower costs compared to traditional publishing.

Control Over Content and Rights

As the content creator, you have complete control over your eBook’s ownership rights and artistic freedom over aesthetics, content, pricing, and advertising.

Top Free eBook Publishing Sites

Here are the top free self-publishing platforms every indie author should consider to publish and sell eBooks:

Kindle Direct Publishing

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is an eBook publishing service offered by KDP reigns as the leading marketplace for worldwide book sales, making it the optimal choice for authors looking to self-publish their ebooks. Creating an account and publishing on this platform is simple. KDP allows authors to publish both eBooks and paperbacks for free. Books are made available on all Amazon stores and Kindle apps worldwide. Amazon also offers the KDP Select program, where for most books priced between $2.99 and $9.99, authors receive a 70% royalty. KDP provides valuable tools to track book sales and royalties earned from these books.

Key Features of KDP:

  • Quick and free publishing process
  • Worldwide distribution on Amazon
  • Flexible royalty rates up to 70%
  • Access to promotional tools and programs
  • Detailed sales and performance reporting

Barnes & Noble Press

Barnes & Noble is among the largest booksellers globally, and writers can self-publish and distribute their books through their website and physical stores. In addition, authors can get free services from Barnes & Noble Press in formatting, uploading, and selling eBooks. It also offers services and options for book cover designing, analytical tools with which the published books can be marketed, and social networking facilities for the respective authors. As it is promoted on Barnes & Noble sales platforms, it is an excellent place to start for new authors who are searching for their readership.

Key Benefits of Barnes & Noble Press

  • Visibility in the Barnes & Noble retail network
  • Competitive royalty rates up to 70%
  • Comprehensive marketing and promotional tools
  • Easy-to-use publishing and book formatting tools

Google Play Books

Google Play Books is a service that allows authors to create and sell eBooks to millions of users. Authors can self-publish their books for free without any upfront fees. After registering, authors can upload their books through the Google Play Partner Center and earn a percentage of the sales. The books can be read on the web, Android, and iOS. Authors can also access sales statistics and tools to manage and promote their books.

Highlights of Google Play Books

  • Seamless integration with Google’s ecosystem
  • Global distribution in over 75+ countries
  • Flexible pricing and royalty options
  • Comprehensive author dashboard for sales tracking
  • Opportunities for featured placements and promotions

Apple Books

Apple Books provides access to over 1.4 billion readers who use iOS devices worldwide. While Apple’s market share is lower than that of Amazon and Google Play Books, publishing here can significantly increase your visibility. One unique feature of Apple Books is the quick and efficient account creation process through iTunes Connect, with fast approval times. As Apple is known for music, especially audiobooks, this self-publishing platform remains crucial in digital book releases.

Highlights of Apple Books

  • Seamless integration with Apple devices and services
  • Opportunities for featured placements and promotions
  • Access to Apple’s expansive customer base
  • Author-friendly royalty rates up to 70%
  • Intuitive publishing and book formatting tools


Kobo is a reader hub and eBook store offering Kobo Writing Life, a platform for authors to self-publish their works without involving publishers. Authors can set the desired price range, publish under an alias if needed, and receive 70% royalties from the sales. Kobo is a company that provides apps and devices in over 190 countries, giving self-publishing authors a large audience globally. Becoming an author with Kobo Writing Life is as simple as publishing a book on an easy-to-use interface, and there are no costs involved initially to join, which makes it a possible self-publishing solution for the large number of people who read eBooks on Kobo.

Key Features of Kobo Writing Life

  • Reach Kobo’s extensive international customer base
  • Competitive royalty rates up to 70%
  • Wide range of marketing and promotional tools
  • Detailed sales and performance analytics


Draft2Digital is an all-in-one self-publishing service that is very popular among writers. It functions as a distributor, disseminating your eBook to various markets once you upload it to the platform. This means you are not required to open several accounts with multiple retailers in the market. Draft2Digital can conveniently distribute the content to online markets like Google Play Books, Apple Books shelves, and other similar ones such as Overdrive and more. Authors can simultaneously distribute an eBook to several outlets through its distribution channels with a single upload.

Highlights of Draft2Digital

  • Automated formatting and conversion for various eBook formats
  • Distribution to over 40 online retailers and libraries
  • Royalty rates up to 80% on some platforms
  • Author-friendly publishing tools and assistance


IngramSpark is another good free publishing option. IngramSpark distributes eBooks to many online retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, and Kobo free of charge. One of the significant advantages is the worldwide distribution – books uploaded on IngramSpark can also be sold through regional stores and libraries. For indie authors who are not flush with cash, it affords them an unparalleled chance at book visibility and sales in major retailer outlets. IngramSpark also ensures that printed books are marketed through thousands of bookstores and retailers to help authors reach as many people as possible. Between super-wide distribution and print options, IngramSpark offers self-published authors a platform to develop their brand and reach more people.

Key Benefits of IngramSpark

  • Access to Ingram’s extensive distribution network
  • Opportunity to reach physical bookstores and libraries
  • Flexible pricing and royalty options
  • Wide range of publishing and marketing tools
  • Global distribution in over 40,000 stores and libraries

Tips for Maximizing Success on eBook Publishing Sites

Here are tips you can follow once your eBook is launched to make it safer and increase the chances of downloads and sales.

Optimize Your Book Listing

Make your eBook visible and enticing through:

Quality Content and Cover Design: Your book should have quality back and front pictures, along with high-quality editing and formatting.

Relevant Keywords: Make sure to add keywords that the readers will input while looking for the article.

Engaging Book Description: Present an exciting brief to pique the audience’s interest.

Promote Your eBook

Get the word out about your new release by:

Social Media Marketing: Organize and participate in sharing and promotional content on your social profile.

Author Website: If you have an author site and blog, highlight this publication there.

Collaborations and Partnerships: Try reaching out to other authors/brands similar to you through collaborations like guest blogging, product launches, etc.

Engage with Readers

Develop connections with readers by:

Respond to Reviews: Send a personal message of appreciation to those who have left constructive, positive feedback and destructive negative feedback.

Provide Bonus Content: Make it exclusive; for instance, offer a free sample chapter to the people on the email list.

Build an Email List: Use an opt-in form to collect emails to distribute updates and other features a regular visitor cannot access.

How to Choose the Right eBook Publishing Site

When it comes to publishing an eBook and making it available online, consider the following three tips:

Consider Your Goals

It is, therefore, essential to consider the objectives when deciding to publish an eBook. Key goals often include:

Reach: Create opportunities for readers by tapping into the site’s distribution channels.

Revenue: Receive perpetual percent of eBook sales.

Control: Keep creative control through freedom in how, when, and where these publications are released.

Review Terms and Conditions

Understand each site’s policies around the following:

Royalties: How much cut do authors get from selling those books? Standard rates stretch from 35/100 to 60/100.

Rights: Are publishing and selling the ebook in other places possible? Some sites require exclusivity.

Distribution Channels: Where does the site provide your eBook? Aim for expanded distribution.

Explore User Feedback

Check out reviews and commentary around each site to gauge ease of use and author satisfaction:

Reviews and Ratings: What level of satisfaction do the other authors express regarding their experience?

Experience of Other Authors: Find out how other authors started by reading posts, comments, and forums.


Can I publish my eBook on multiple free sites?

Most authors also upload and promote their eBooks on different platforms to ensure widespread sales.

How do I protect my rights when using free publishing sites?

In particular, one should spend much time reading the terms of service. Specific sites may have choices to safeguard your rights as the writer.

Are there any hidden costs associated with free eBook publishing sites?

The platforms mentioned here are free for posting content. You retain complete control of your rights and receive relatively high remuneration levels.


Indie authors can reach millions of potential readers looking for great new books by publishing through the top free eBook platforms—without spending a dime. As mentioned above, you can release your eBooks globally through the following platforms: Amazon KDP, Google Play Books, Barnes & Noble Press, etc. Using the techniques to manage aspects of your book listing, marketing, and readers can help you achieve your writing and sales objectives.

Do you require any further help to publish your eBook? We provide freelance and independent writers with high-quality eBook formatting, design, and publishing services to optimize the online success of their books. Feel free to contact us today for assistance!

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